About Us

We specialize in helping 9-to-5'ers learn and develop a high income skillset and transition into this industry to surpass 10K+ months in 90 days while working 100% remote.

Our Vision is simple...

To be the leading force for the remote sales industry by providing access to the best training, resources, community, and opportunities for ethical Setters and Closers.

In order to create a new generation of sales representatives built on the foundation of honesty, transparency, growth, and performance. We only work with high integrity and dedicated individuals.
A lot of people ask us “What does UCM include?”
Our response... “What do you need?”

The only Remote sales mentorship of it’s kind...
We meet you wherever you are, any experience level, any skill level, any knowledge level, and we commit every resource available to supporting and guiding you to success.

You will be surrounded with experts in their field, providing step by step instruction, personalized strategy, support...
Whatever you need to be successful.

You’ll have access to over 80 hours of live coaching,
in small groups.
You’ll have private access to all the training and resources you need to progress every single day
You’ll be part of an unprecedented community...
We have made sales a team sport, which means you’ll be forming alliances with some of the top performers and rising stars in this industry

What is UCM?
It’s whatever you need us to be to reach the highest levels of success imaginable.

We are a small organization, we only take on people we are 100% confident we can help, and mentorship spots are limited (this is not some marketing b.s. ...seriously we are limited in the amount of people we take on, because of how much time we spend with each individual student)

Find out if UCM is right for you

"People helping people"

This is a "people helping people" business and we will do everything in our power to raise the bar and continue to make a positive impact.

Influence with Integrity

We help our students not only develop the skills needed to ne successful, but we support them in becoming the best versions of themselves both personally and professionally.

Exclusive Job Opportunities

Live Small Group Coaching

Access to your Mentor. Ask questions and get the personalized help you need.

Interviews Guaranteed


Become Undeniable

We specialize in helping high-integrity individuals land their dream jobs and develop their careers to become both top performers and top earners.

Undeniable Closer is the #1 career development resource for high ticket remote sales professionals

Now more than ever there is a need for a high integrity organization to provide honest, transparent, and accurate advice.
Undeniable Closer
In a world of fluffy marketing and cookie-cutter sales trainings, JD Daley and his team have redefined the coaching and mentoring space, and set a new standard of excellence. Everyone on the team is truly committed to bringing the best service and value to members of this mastermind. They have created an environment that fosters community, growth, and positive action. If I'm ever feeling stuck, lost, or uncertain, I always know that I can reach out for help without hesitation. The value they bring is absolutely unmatched. There's nothing that you won't be able to accomplish in this space with the help this group, if you are willing to DO THE WORK.
- Jonathan Combs

Case Studies


Alvaro R

Opera Singer turned high ticket closer, was struggling to make 3-4k per month working 40-50 hour weeks before joining UCM. Not only were we able to help him land his dream job, he’s #1 on his campaign, earning consistent 20k/mths.

To date he’s earned a ridiculous 21,000% return on investment inside UCM.
Nathalie A

Nathalie A

As if becoming a top closer on multiple campaigns wasn’t enough, Nathalie has embodied the principles and strategies of UCM beyond anyones wildest expectations. She’s now leveraging the skills she’s developed to become not only better at sales but a better businesswoman. Diversifying her income and using it as a vehicle to create her dream life….oh yeah and her remote sales career has allowed to to become a full time traveller… living her best life.

Ryan C

Ryan had spent nearly 20k on sales training before meeting JD. His average income at that time was 5k/mo. Over the last 3 months since he joined UCM I’ve averaged 13k months and just hit his first 20k month.

“This is due to networking, putting myself out there for more opportunities, and looking at sales from a new perspective. JD says he’s not a sales trainer but his approach to sales really opened my mind. I would say it’s not JUST sales training, it’s much more, but it definitely covers advanced sales training. The framework for becoming a one-man sales agency really shifted my whole mindset. I will get a lifelong ROI from UCM.” - Ryan C
Undeniable Closer

Our focus is simple and can be defined in 3 words




Our Team

JD Daley

JD Daley

Founder & CEO Undeniable Closer, UCM Mentor
John Beaumont

John Beaumont

UCM Transformation Coach, Personal Growth Expert

Joy Tibbs

UCM Director of Operations, Tech & Finance Support

Matthew Hemming

Lead Consultant

Shane Skinner
